Krispy Treat Hearts
February 06, 2021
Easy, adorable krispie treat hearts. Perfect for Valentine's Day, or just because!

Krispy Treat Hearts
February 06, 2021
Time 15 minutes (plus 2 hours cooling)
Servings 6 to 12 depending on size of heart cutters (I made 9)!
- 9"x9" Tin
- Parchment Paper
- Spoon or Spatula
- Large Saucepan and hob
- Heart Cookie Cutter
- Bowl suitable for a bain-marie, or a microwaveable bowl or jug
- Piping Bag, or Sandwich bag
- 100g White Marshmallows
- 50g Butter (I used unsalted, but salted would also work)
- 100g Rice Krispies
- 200g White Chocolate
- Pink Food Colouring - I used ProGel! (Optional)
- Sprinkles or any other decoration you want to use! (Optional)
- Line a 9"x9" baking tin.
- Gently melt the butter and marshmallows in a large saucepan on a low-medium heat. Keep stirring until the mixture has formed a smooth sticky paste. Be patient, as this will take a few minutes.
- Once smooth, remove the saucepan from the heat and pour in the rice krispies until they're evenly covered - work quickly as it'll begin to harden fast!
- Once fully combined press your krispie layer in to the prepared baking tin (I use the back of a spoon or a spatula for this as it's really sticky!).
- Leave to cool until firm - I chilled them in the fridge for 1 hour, but room temp is fine too!
- Remove the krispy treats from the tin and use a heart cookie cutter to cut out as many hearts as you can!
- Decoration: Melt the white chocolate either in the microwave in 10 second bursts, or a using a bain-marie method. When the chocolate is fully melted and smooth, transfer a small amount in to a piping bag (or sandwich bag), and stir in pink food colouring in to remainder, until a pretty uniforn colour is formed.
- Wait a couple of minutes for the chocolate to cool slightly, then half-dip each heart in to the pink chocolate, and place flat on a piece of parchment paper Snip the end of the piping bag (or one corner of a sandwich bag), and then drizzle on the white chocolate as decoration
- Leave to set in the fridge until firm (this will take approx 1 hour), and then enjoy!
- - Store your Krispy Treat Hearts in the fridge or at room temperature in an air tight container, where they will last for 1+ week!
- - I used white chocolate for decoation, but milk or dark chocolate could be used as a replacement!
- *I earn a small amount of money if you buy the products after clicking the links. You will not be charged extra for this. Thank you for your support!
Recommended Equipment and Ingredients*