US to UK Baking Conversions

Being based in the UK, I've often found myself googling for US to UK baking conversions after coming across delicious looking US recipes online. Sometimes I've had to click around a bit before finding all of the information I've needed... this is my attempt to collate all of this information together!

Oven Temperature

The below table gives approximate Fahrenheit / Celsius / Gas Mark conversions.

To calculate exact conversions (where T = Temperature):
Fahrenheit to Celsius: T°C = (T°F − 32) × 5/9
C to Fahrenheit: T°F = (T°C × 9/5) + 32

Electric °C Electric (Fan) °C Fahrenheit °F Gas Mark
Very Cool 110 90 225 ¼
120 100 250 ½
Cool 140 120 275 1
150 130 300 2
Moderate 160 140 325 3
180 160 350 4
Moderately Hot 190 170 375 5
200 180 400 6
Hot 220 200 425 7
230 210 450 8
Very Hot 240 220 475 9

Weight: Grams to Ounces

Grams (g) Ounces (oz)
15 ½
30 1
60 2
90 3
110 4
140 5
170 6
200 7
225 9
280 10
310 11
310 12
370 13
400 14
425 15
450 1 lb

Volume: Tablespoons to US Cups

Tablespoons (tbsp) US Cups
1 1/16
4 ¼
8 ½
12 ¾
16 1
